10/04/2008 09:42:00 AM

ohhhh a stitchin' I will go..........

OK...we (me and my sister-in-law Danielle, yep, another Danielle) went to the "Stitching Jubilee"....OMG...talk about over STIMULATION....I didn't know what to get first ......We spent FOUR yes F O U R hours wandering around.....I felt like an admirer in a museum...but we got to buy stuff!!!!!! People are so very talented and it inspires me to to try anything.....here's a few goodies... this is one that caught my eye.... Danielle found this one for me to do for my Girlfriend, Donna.... Some Huck towels...I like to do these for gifts.... Of course a "doggie" one...how cute! some freebies and material for my Lizzie Kate project I bought a $5 "linen grab bag....8 pieces...NICE SIZED PIECES!!! I think I got material for Every project now!!!! that was a steal.......