11/10/2008 07:18:00 PM

omg...such creativity

I have been surfing around the web FOREVER...I have stumbled across so many blogs..there must be like 100000 in stitching only...everytime I find one, I link to another one...and each one is better than the next... I a still laughing at my all tme favorite...it's called.... are you ready.... FLOSS LICKER OMG...that is the absolute best name for xs blog I have heard.....I've seen "Stitch Bitch" "Twisted Stitcher"...and every possible play on words with cross stitch....this is simply, by far, my favorite. my name is stupid, by comparison....it was a weak moment.... my url is for my baby girl...she's the "hootie-hoot"....an evolution from "Hoochie-momma" long story...... I'm trying to join a round robin.....I think it's a fantastic idea....all different people working on one piece and then displaying......if anyone knows anywhere....."The Twisted Stitcher" helped out tremendously, directing me to Yuku.......