3/26/2009 10:40:00 PM

Round 2 Round Robin

As I said before, Willeke sent me two Samplers at once...no biggie, these hearts and the names average two to three hours only to complete...now keep in mind, not everyone's fabric is the same.......O M G .....I just worked on Karin's...a true "linen"...my eyes hurt and it was actual W O R K...no that I'm complaining...but it was tough ...I am so much better in complete daylight....
Not just Karin's, but my own as well, I have never, E V E R froggged as much as I have on this particular sampler...I don't know if it's the symbol charts or the hearts go in and out all the way around the perimeter...I have never miscounted as I have on this...it's a killer....it seems like such a simple stitch....I hope I'm not regressing...but I am comforted that Willeke said that she had miscounted as well.....hmph!


Karin said...
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Karin said...

Hmm. I know this is "Dutch comfort" in more ways than one, Danielle, but I miscounted, too... Several times...
I think maybe it's because I expect a 'heart' to be symmetrical and this isn't? Or it could just be old age.... LOL!!!

Lisa said...

I am glad to read that you are finding this a little challenging, too (I'm enjoying the RR, but it is challenging). For I too had miscounted..frogged (does that mean rip out? I haven't gotten down all the terminology yet)...but it is coming along. But you know what...all of them are coming out beautiful!

Carolyn NC said...

I was wondering how you had four names on there! Looks great - ouch for the frogging - been there, done that!